“Bitcoin is highly useful. It’s money that’s resistant to debasement and censorship in a world of broken monies.”

—Lyn Alden, 20 June 2024

iCoop—Inventing cooperatives.

“When you want to build something great, it’s not easy to do. And when you’re doing something that’s not easy to do, you’re not always enjoying it.“What people misunderstand is [they think] the best jobs are the ones that bring you happiness all the time. I don’t think that’s right. You have to suffer. You have to struggle. You have to endeavor. You have to do those hard things and work through it in order to really appreciate what you’ve done. There’s no such thing that is great that was easy to do.“I wish upon you greatness, which by my way of saying it, I wish upon you plenty of pain and suffering.”

—Jensen Huang, Nvidia

iCoop—Inventing cooperatives.

“The Yen is on life support. The Fed don’t want it to die since Japan is the largest holder of foreign US Debt, but there is a problem:If Fed raises rates Yen gets hyperinflation and if Fed lowers rates the USD gets hyperinflation. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.”

—@BTC_for_Freedom, 17 June 2024

iCoop—Inventing cooperatives.

“Bitcoin and co-operative advocates are almost one and the same, they want to establish a just and fair economic and social system, where everyone prospers because no one lives on rent privileges and sweat of other people.”

—Roy S Miclat

iCoop—Inventing cooperatives.

“As long as autocrats hope to use computers to surveil or control the rest of us, cypherpunks will find a way to bring resistance money to the world.”

—Resistance Money (Andrew M. Bailey, Bradley Rettler and Craig Warmke), A Philosophical Case for Bitcoin

iCoop—Inventing cooperatives.

“Bitcoin for everyone.”

—Monochrome Asset Management, investment manager of Australia’s first and only bitcoin ETF

iCoop—Inventing cooperatives.

“Great founders almost always feel like they’re too late, and you’re almost always too early.”

—Marc Andreessen, on being too late, too early

The New Co-operator.—Frontpage of the cooperative web

“‘I will fail many times, and I will be really right once’ is the entrepreneurs’ way. You have to give yourself a lot of chances to get lucky.”

—Sam Altman, on giving yourself the chance to be lucky

iCoop—Inventing cooperatives.

“Entrepreneurial ventures fail all the time. Most of my companies failed. I actually started seven companies, and I’ve launched about 40 or 50 projects over my career. And AngelList is the first one that I would truly say is product, market, entrepreneur fit for me that might succeed down the road.“It’s a low hit rate over your career, but you only have to be right once … So just keep trying, just keep iterating … a lot of it is market timing and you learn a lot of lessons.”

—Naval, on having to be only right once

iCoop—Inventing cooperatives.

“They lose the day in expectation of the night, and the night in fear of he dawn”

—Seneca, 1975 years ago

The New Co-operator.—Frontpage of the cooperative web

“We hunt together.”

—Zora the cat, self-help spirit animal of cooperatives

iCoop—Inventing cooperatives.

“Bitcoin is not about getting rich quickly. It is about not getting poor slowly.”

—River Financial

iCoop—Inventing cooperatives.

“Satoshi was a shaman.”

—Jon Tellis, 8 June 2024

“He was a SHA-man.”

—Eric Cason, 9 June 2024

iCoop—Inventing cooperatives.

“Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy.”

—Michael Saylor, 19 September 2020

iCoop—Inventing cooperatives.

Knowledge and Union are Power: Power, directed by Knowledge, is Happiness: Happiness is the End of Creation.

Frontpage of the cooperative web

The New Co-operator.—Frontpage of the cooperative web

“Teaching cooperativism to the world. Teaching bitcoin to cooperatives.”


iCoop—Inventing cooperatives.

“Philippine inflation rate means that the peso is a melting ice cube under warming conditions. It’s a tax that punishes fixed income savers, especially the middle class and minimum wage earners. Understand why Bitcoin is the creative dissent against this system.”

—Florin Hilbay, 5 June 2024

iCoop—Inventing cooperatives.

“If I find that some particular thing is causing me stress, that’s a warning flag for me. What it means is there’s something that I haven’t completely identified - perhaps in my conscious mind - that is bothering me and I haven’t yet taken any action on it.“I find as soon as I identify it and make the first phone call or send off the first email message … Even if it’s not solved, the mere fact that we’re addressing it dramatically reduces any stress that might come from it.”

—Jeff Bezos

iCoop—Inventing cooperatives.

“The art of storytelling is incredibly important. And many—maybe even most of the entrepreneurs who come to talk to us can’t tell the story. Learning to tell a story is incredibly important because that’s how the money works. The money flows as a function of the stories.”

—Don Valentine, Sequoia founder

iCoop—Inventing cooperatives.

“Bitcoin overtaking gold’s market cap will happen faster than you think, because as Bitcoin price goes up, gold will be demonetized. So we are hitting a moving target that is always coming closer.”

—Samson Mow, 7 June 2024

iCoop—Inventing cooperatives.

“I wanted to project myself forward to age 80 and say, I’m looking back on my life, I want to have minimized the number of regrets I have. I knew that when I was 80 I was not going to regret having tried this . . . I knew that if I failed I wouldn’t regret that. But I knew the one thing I might regret is not having ever tried. And I knew that would haunt me every day.”

—Jeff Bezos, 2001, on his ‘regret minimization framework’

iCoop—Inventing cooperatives.

“Fiat holder no coiners with Stockholm syndrome: without price inflation, no one will spend, and the economy will be in a downward spiral!”

—Ramon Tayag, 18 March 2024

iCoop—Inventing cooperatives.

“When I talk to people in other domains, this is so frequently the thing that I hear from them. That when they worked with X person or Y organization or in Z environment, they learned what great actually is, and that just permanently changed their sense for what their own standard for their work ought to be.”

—Patrick Collison, on working at a place with high standards

iCoop—Inventing cooperatives.

“The wildest thing about Bitcoin is that for the first time in history, you can invest in an immutable set of principles—imagine if you could invest in capitalism as a whole in the 19th century but guaranteed that you won’t get rug-pulled later by fiat.”

—Amjad Masad, 3 February 2024

iCoop—Inventing cooperatives.

“The world will soon experience a major flippening where the smug western elites will be disrupted by a global youth coding on their phones and accumulating Bitcoin.”

—Amjad Masad, 8 November 2022

iCoop—Inventing cooperatives.

“[At Tether] we are bitcoiners at heart. We believe in the bitcoin mission that is bringing financial freedom to the world. If you have financial freedom, but you don't have freedom of speech … we are not really free, right?”

—Paolo Ardoino, 5 April 2024

iCoop—Inventing cooperatives.

“The theory behind open source is simple. In the case of an operating system, the source code—the programming instructions underlying the system—is free. Anyone can improve it, change it, exploit it. But those improvements, changes, and exploitations have to be made freely available.”

—Linus Torvalds, 2001

iCoop—Inventing cooperatives.

“Twitter solves no one’s problem at all. It was something we wanted to use. It was something we wanted to see in the world. It was something we wanted to use on a daily basis, and that’s all that drove us. That’s what got us up every single morning, and that’s what made it meaningful.”

—Jack Dorsey, on building something you want to see

iCoop—Inventing cooperatives.

“Actually there is a very good reason for Bitcoin-backed banks to exist, issuing their own digital cash currency, reedemable for bitcoins. Bitcoin itself cannot scale to have every single financial transaction in the world be broadcast to everyone and included in the block chain. There needs to be a secondary level of payment systems which is lighter weight and more efficient. Likewise, the time needed for Bitcoin transactions to finalize will be impractical for medium to large value purchases.”

—Hal Finney

iCoop—Inventing cooperatives.

“My mother said to me, if you are a soldier, you will became a general. If you are a monk will become the Pope. Instead, I was a painter, and became Picasso.”

—Pablo Ruiz Picasso (1881–1973)

iCoop—Inventing cooperatives.

“You might not have anything to hide, my friend. But you have everything to protect.”

—Mikko Hypponen, 2017

iCoop—Inventing cooperatives.

“Real estate investors are beginning to wake up to the fact that their assets have been plummeting in bitcoin terms. This is a big step toward hyperbitcoinization. Real estate as a store of value doesn't make sense in a world in which bitcoin exists.”

—Marty Bent, 8 June 2024

iCoop—Inventing cooperatives.
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iCoop—Inventing cooperatives.
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Teach the little ones how to save in bitcoin!
iCoop—Inventing cooperatives.

“Cooperatives for Collective Freedom. Bitcoin for Individual Liberty.”

The Co-operative Exchange

iCoop—Inventing cooperatives.

“Work at bringing value to the world. Be self-reliant. Don’t just consume; instead, create. Make money, then save a little in bitcoin.”

Bitcoin Pilipinas

iCoop—Inventing cooperatives.

“Once upon a time, on a hot summer night, a group of young, middle-aged and old rebels, non-conformists and troublemakers gathered by the fire in the island of Boracay in Aklan, Philippines. They were not known to each other, they were cooperators, technologists, economists, bankers, lawyers, plebs and normies, but they spoke a common language. They knew what it meant to try to change the world—or die trying. As swiftly as they came in the night, they have since scattered, fighting the good fight wherever they are, in secret or otherwise, but vowing one day . . . to return.”

Bitcoin Island is not a place, it’s an ideal

iCoop—Inventing cooperatives.

“iCoop’s mission is to help grow cooperative circular economies in the Philippines and around the world.”

iCoop—Inventing co-operatives.

iCoop—Inventing cooperatives.